How do people perceive the consequences of artificial intelligence on human to human interaction?

In collaboration with Renee Noortman, Daniƫlle Ramp, Job van Gennip, Nasiruddin Abed
Lectured by Stephan Wensveen

A Showroom research-through-design approach: How do people perceive the consequences of artificial intelligence on human to human interaction?

In the Constructive Design Research course our team used a provocative research through design approach. We researched how people perceive the consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) on human to human interaction. It focused on under which circumstances people would find it acceptable to replace Human to Human Interaction with intelligent machines. A vending machine, our research artefact, was the conversation starter about the acceptability of a new AI technology. There were six different technologies with each a human counterpart (persona). The participant could lose the human to human interaction by choosing the AI application. The persona, that was represented by a marble, fell away. The provocative sound the falling marble made, confronted the participants with consequences of their choices on the social interactions they possibly could have on every day life.