

My preferred design approach is a practice-led process. Such an approach has the following benefits: (1) being practice-led means that I can work on concrete topics with a clear societal impact; (2) practice-led processes allow for an exchange between concrete, hands-on design prototyping and more abstract design insight. Overall I flourish in the conceptual phases of the design process. I like the initial unknown of a new topic or context. By exploring information in literature and other media sources I get inspired; I typically try to let any new thought in and every little idea out, captured in quick visuals, lo-fi prototypes, metaphoric associations or experiential anecdotes. From these broad and unlimited explorations I search for opportunities and bring possibilities together in out-of-the-box, conceptual themes. These kinds of activities spark interest and never fail to make me enthusiastic. Another personal strength is my eye for detail, patience and insightful thinking during the concretizing phases of a design or research process. I always strive for creating prototypes that require these strengths. By tapping into my crafting skills, I am able to translate abstract concepts into a physical object that embodies the essence of the project.

My work is often driven by and applicable to society and its wellbeing. With the use of research artefacts, I want to encourage people to become aware of what implications technological developments can bring. Different than one might expect, I am not the typical people researcher that approaches users directly, but rather prefer working in the background without direct contact with that public domain.

Within my work I strive for openness, equality and honesty, especially when working with others. I believe I am a good team player that will take a leadership role if needed. I like to be able to ask for help and rely on each other. I need a team that respects the values of others. I believe that a good team, works together as equals where no one feels limited or rushed.