An interactive materiality that communicates to respect fragility

ELECTIVE TU/e Interactive Materiality
In collaboration with Maria Væver Olsen and Marika Nordenstrom Jung
Lectured by Miguel Bruns and Simone de Waart

An interactive materiality that communicates to respect fragility

In this elective we followed a material-centered explorative design process of creating an interactive materiality. The project started with exploring and investigating of the properties and textures of the available materials to map possible interactions and transitions. With the material-centered approach, a shape changing artefact was created that communicates the message to be gentle and handle with care. The explorative process gave the insight in how to communicate to the user to respect the fragility of the interactive materiality. The interactive materiality transitioned from a calm to hostile character by using one main material adjusted with actuators whereby feedback and feedforward is given to the user. By focusing on giving the interactive materiality a ‘creature like’ behavior we could explore to what extend it is possible to build trust and create a relationship between an abstract shape changing artefact and an engaging human being.